Droolees Ed - Written by Educators for Parents
Using Media Wisely
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
You need to check on something really quick. It’s an automatic reflex now. Your hand dives into your pocket and whips out that phone. Press the home button, quickly find what you were searching for and the journey goes from checking your e-mail to spending countless...hours...of hypnosis. Those delicate eyes help you snap out of it if it wasn’t for the fact that they had gotten tired. You were supposed to be checking your e-mail and then go about your day doing all the things that are on your “to-do” list for that day. You were so pumped about how...
Preparing Baby for School Part 3 of 3
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
Parents: Recognize the definite difference between intelligence and maturity Our children are a reflection of us. In our western society, if a child is really smart it makes the parents look smart. Thus, many parents want to push their little ones to achieve early and impressively. This is unfair to the child as it doesn’t allow them to progress at their own rate. Parents sometimes don’t realize there is a very real difference between intelligence and maturity. Intelligence is the capacity for learning while maturity is the state of being fully developed. A child can be very intelligent, but...
Preparing Baby for School Part 2 of 3
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
Parents: Allow left-handedness if that’s the way God wired your child God created each little one, and created them for a specific role in life. Thus, He “wired” their brains in a way that would best enable them to realize their specific purpose in life. Some are wired to be right-handed and some are wired to be left-handed. As our little one begins to grow, we can see which hand seems to be dominant – which one they use most frequently when reaching out for items, when holding the spoon to feed them, etc. If this happens to be the...
Preparing Your Baby For School Part 1 of 3
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
Crawling is an essential developmental stage. We feel proud if our baby gets up one day and starts walking; we brag, “He’s so advanced!” But, there is something about crawling that is necessary for the proper development of the child. God tells us in Psalm 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made. Part of that fearfully and wonderfully made truth is that we were created to go through stages of development from birth to maturity; missing (skipping) a stage can leave us lacking in our development – crawling is one of those very necessary...
Learning Strategies for Autistic Children
Posted by Droolees Ed Team on
So, you have decided to homeschool your autistic child. Congratulations on choosing what is one of the most rewarding challenges! If I could make a guess, I would assume you’re feeling a little overwhelmed now that you’re comparing curriculum, buying or making manipulatives, and figuring out your daily school schedule. Just getting ready to homeschool is a huge venture, and I applaud you for making the decision to give your child the best education you possibly can. - The nurture time you give as a homeschool mom can be the safe place for your child to truly bloom. If your...